Lyreco are leaders in the field of office supplies and workplace solutions for businesses.
Keen to build brand awareness for their company and build relationships with existing and new customers, Lyreco set up a series of thought leadership events named ‘The Hub’. These were designed to blend sessions on pertinent topics relevant to businesses with social activities. Lyreco partnered with guest speakers to deliver the talks, and we were on hand to design and build out all elements of the branding of the events.
Beginning with the concept of The Hub itself, we built out a strong, playful sub-brand that nodded to the main Lyreco visual identity and addressed key messaging and the social media strategy. From there, we created everything from tote bags for delegates to take away, to notepads, to decorations for the space the event was being held in. We combined all the physical pieces with a strong web presence that mirrored the bold aesthetic of The Hub itself.
Each event was well attended and the series of sessions generated a vast number of new leads for Lyreco, along with well supported social media conversations post-event.