Lyreco are leaders in the field of office supplies and workplace solutions for businesses.
Lyreco wanted to bolster both their sales and their brand awareness in the London area. They tasked us with building a multi-faceted, multi-touch campaign that would build them a pipeline of new leads whilst positioning them as champions in the office supply space.
We utilised direct mail and digital to build out our campaign, which hinged on an online quiz looking at different personality types within an office. People who filled in the short quiz would be matched to an office ‘persona’ – the eco-warrior or the office organiser as examples. The quiz was built and designed to be easily shared on social media. Once people filled in their details and were identified as particular office types, Lyreco then sent them a bespoke package of their produce tailored to their answers. The eco-warriors were sent merchandise and supplies that supported office recycling efforts, as an example.
The campaign itself far exceeded expectations and achieved an excellent number of new leads as well as a significant spike in sales.
We were also delighted that this campaign saw us nominated for the “User Experience” award finalist as part of the annual CIM awards.
On the back of this campaign, we were asked to partner with Lyreco on further initiatives.